FREDERICTON (GNB) – Tabling his latest report today at the legislative assembly, auditor general Paul Martin discussed his audit of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s pandemic response.
Overall, the audit found that the department took actions to address deficiencies and supported districts with the provision of central services throughout the pandemic.
“Based on our audit work, we were able to determine the Return to School Plan was consistent with the direction of government and the advice and recommendations of Public Health and Public Safety,” said Martin.
However, the audit also found opportunities for improvement, in the areas of planning, training and communication, to better prepare the education system should future disruptions to business continuity occur.
The audit found that the department did not ensure that emergency management training was provided to staff, and it did not have plans to undertake an after-action review of the pandemic response.
The auditor general made a total of five recommendations to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. The report is available online.